
Christmas Party☆+;:*

I had a Christmas Party with my friends:)
We had Kimuchi-nabe, snacks and of course cake♡ for dinner. We have been friends since we were high school students.
One of the member's birthday is December 25, so
we sang a birthday song for her♪ Happy Birthday, Yui(o'∪^o) I hope you have a wonderful time of 20 age:)

We played cards, and talked and so on! I had a really wonderful time with them;)
Thank you for my all friends♡



I love chocolate very much:)
I had a chocolate and it from Ayanocchi;) Her friend went to Hawaii and bought it for her as a present(o'∪^o)
It was good and I like the pacage of this box, too;) Isn't cute??
Thank you AyanocchiΣd(ゝ∀・)



Do you know this ice??? It tastes of ANNINDOFU:)
I have been looking forward to eating it, and finally I've could!!
It was so delicious more than I thought!! I really recommend you;)
Please try it, and you can get it LAWSON in our uni.(∂v<)-☆


Lipton:*- Lychee Tea:)

Do you know this new taste of Lipton??
I love tea:) so I never forget to check the new taste of Lipton tea*.
This time is a taste of lychee, I also like this fruit, so I was really excited
when I saw this!! Haha:) It was good!


I love free time very much because I can do many things what I want to. In my free time, I usually listen to music, sing songs, and in these days, I cook too. I also like to watch TV and DVDs. But I have to study because I am going to Australia in February to March. I want to enjoy my home stay so I have to prepare enough for it. I will try to do my best, and I hope I can. I have much free time now, because I left my part-time job. (97 words)


Caffe Latte ;)

My mother bought it for me. This is a new taste of Caffe Latte, and it taste of hazel mocha:) It is a christmas version! It is cute;)
It taste little too sweet for me, but it was good!! I want you to recommend it*.


○●Book Review●○2-13


This story is really interesting for me!!
In the day of Halloween, witches alive!
It was little scary, but fine:)

○●Book Review●○2-12


We can see many animals in this world. But there are some animals are dying and disappearing. We have to do something to protect animals!!


Yesterday is my younger brother's birthday, so we ate cake and a little special dinner. I love sweets so I am very happy to eat cakes♡ My father bought it on the way his home.
My brother became 17 years old. When he was a child, he is so cute! But now, he is a really cheeky.... :) haha!! But, birthday is beautiful day, isn't it?
So, happy birthday(o'∪^o)/



Time past fastly.... It's been already December!!!
I can't believe X(
Anyway, did you watch 'Best artist 2007'???
Of course I watched it! I love songs and my favorite artist performed in this program. They are so cool and their smile cheer up me:)

Live DVD 47★:*`.

I went to the Youme town to buy a DVD which I have been wanted to, yesterday. I was really looking forward to watching it. It was excellent!!! I want to watch it again as soon as possible. But!! I have much things what I have to do.... So, I will finish them soon, and I will enjoy watching again :)


I love free time very much because I can do many things what I want to. In my free time, I usually listen to music, singing songs, blogging or watching TV, but in these days, I study! I want to level up my English skill and I will have a test in my speaking class. I am in a pinch. So, I will do my best. (66 words)

I can't type over 100 words.... I will do my best in next time!!


BANANA chocolate:*+.

I was given this chocolate from my speaking teacher:)
Our group went to his Kenkyutou's room to do job interview. He teachs us heartily, so I thanks to him:) I want to get a good score in my speaking test!
Anyway, this chocolate is taste good!! Thank you~;)



I am going to write about Kumamoto, and this essay followed by my presentation.

In Kumamoto city, 667,899 people living and the area of this city is 267.22 square meters. Do you know the symbol of Kumamoto city? It is formed like C and it color is green.

The most famous thing in Kumamoto is Kumamoto castle, I think. The castle is one of the biggest castle in Japan. It is really cool and magmificence. Kumamoto castle becomes 400 years old this year. So, many event is held this year for celebration of this memorable age. Higomaru is the symbol character.

The other famous thing in Kumamoto is Mt. Aso. It is a famous for good sightseeing spot. It has the caldera which is the biggest class in the world. There is a cold place in winter, so if you go there, you can see the snow. If you do not like cold weather, you might want to go there in the summer. In summer, Aso is the cool place. Anyway, you can see the great view in both season.

I like Kumamoto because I can see many interesting spot and nice food. Let's have a fun in Kumamoto!


○●Book Review●○2-11

The Fisherman and his Soul

This book was written by Oscar Wilde. The story of the man who loved the marmeid. He thinks love is better than wisdom, more precious than riches. This story is a little sad story...
Heart is needed for human.



I love free time very much because I can do many things what I want to. In my free time, I usually listen to music and sing songs. I love music very much. When I feel sad, music gives me courage. So, I can not spend my life without music. I have much free time now, because I left my part-time job. So, I want to study English for study abroad. I want to be better my English skill so much. I will try to do my best. I also want to read a lot of books. In these days, I do not read books, so I have to read and get some knowledge from reading. In book (118 words)


I love free time very much because I can do many things what I want to. In my free time, I usually listen to music and sing songs. I love music very much. When I feel sad, music gives me courage! So, I can not spend my life without music. I have much free time now, because I left my part-time job. So, I want to study English for study abroad. I want to be better my English skill so much. I will try to do my best. I also want to read a lot of books. In these days, I don’t read books, so I (106 words)

Positive thinking!!

I overslept this morning!! I got up at 8 x(
But, I would not give up! I could come to the class on time :)

I have to improve my typing skill and can get over 100 words:)



I went dentist today... X( because I have pain in my wisdom tooth!!
Dentist shaved my up wisdom tooth(゜■゜*) I was really scared, but I don't know why, I almost laughed! It was difficult for me to withhold my laughter(* ・艸・ *)。o○ After treatment, I don't feel pain! Thanks for my dentist:)


Appreciation Party q*´Ⅴ`)

I hold a appreciation party with Sae, at my home:)
She brought a lot of snacks and also drinks!!!! haha:) So, we watched DVD, as we drank
(つ∀`*)っ)) I had a really fun time with her;)
Thank you, Sae(o'∪^o)/

○●Book Review●○2-10

Rip Van Winkle and The Legend of Sleepy Hollow

Rip Van Winkle is a simple, kind man. One day, he went to the Catskill Mountains and met the man with carring a big barrel. Rip helped the man, and they drunk very much. Rip woke up the next day, the strange thing happened!!

This legend is really scary! I really want to know if Ichabod could alive or not.



We had a year-end party with member of my part-time job yesterday. We hold it in Fu~do, and in there, we had delicious dishes and drinks a lot:)
In fact, I leave this part-time job, so I feel little sad. They all very kind to me! I thank them a lot;) Happily, they gave me a present!!! Look at this picture, this stole is really cute!!! I am very happy:) I will use the stole habitually♡♡